The title is not a semantic typo, this post is not about whether or not you believe in god.
Theists, don't get offended because I am not
capitalizing our subject as "God"; this is not vandalism, I respect god as much as I respect anything else in this universe, because after all the universe is the god. You'll find your answer at the end.
Atheists don't have to stop reading because I am not going to correlate god with gravity, saying whether you believe it or not, he exists. There's nothing in this post that hurts anyone, this is just an open-ended thought. But sometimes I think I've hurt people during discussions and arguments because I stand rigid at what my rational sense tells me, even if it were against me. So, if you think you might not like reading this, don't.
Newton wondered about falling apples, there could possibly be a few more people who had wondered too. Some of them could have even realized that there is some force that is operating between the apple and the earth, the others, may be didn't have that realization, nevertheless, most of those who had wondered should have understood that the reason why the apple fell down was because of the same reason why they fell down when they misstepped. Newton gave his realization a name and then tried to prove it mathematically, we all know that he was successful in doing that. Now all of us understand so much about gravity that there are even funny quotes that read "You can't blame gravity for falling in love" or "Gravity is a myth, the world sucks". There's nothing about believing in gravity or not believing in it, whatever you do, it exists. If you believe in it, you can save yourself from a few bruises when you walk down a slippery floor; if you want to protest against it,
no one stops you, you can be the world's best pole vaulter.
Everything is equally important
Reading this blog can be less important to you and could be more important to someone else, or for that matter be it working or playing or sleeping or eating or making money or not making it or loving or not loving or whatever anyone does during any instant. We do something because we realize the importance of it or we don't realize the importance of something else. We can in fact be doing something even while we accept the importance of something else. For example, I am a software engineer and not a roadside cleaner, not because I don't realize the importance of cleaning, but because I know I don't have to do it and that there's someone else for it. Even if I know there's
no one, I would probably not be doing it as my job because I'm not god; I'm not god to whom nothing is more important or nothing is less important, but then I know that I'm not doing any better job. There's something that resides in me and makes me the man I'm, which is so close to being something like a mini-god. Well, I'm not god, but I've god in me; if the universe is god, I'm a proud part of it. The god inside me makes me realize the importance of one thing while not of the other, but the sum of all such gods is a realization in which everything is equally important.
The chain reaction
I wrote this blog because there were hundred reasons that made me write it, and there are hundred more reasons why you're reading this blog too. I can feel the gentle evening's breeze walking over my window, the breeze exists because there was some variation in the air pressure somewhere, it's pleasant because of the time of the day, it feels good to stand by it because it's a beautiful season and that's because the northern hemisphere is just around the Spring Equinox. The chain reaction just goes on. Probably
Osama is right now thinking about the next place to bomb, and he has a hundred reasons to do it. Whether he decides to bomb or not can even be related to where the earth is right now in its orbit. I can as well tell you a real
fictitious information that just as he bombed New York on Sep 9 2001,
Osama will bomb Washington on the American independence day of July 4 2010 because the Jupiter will be at some specific relative position to the earth or that the earth will be at some specific angle from mercury or both or whatever, it can get as mystic as possible. If I don't understand whatever I said, I'm ignorant. If you don't understand whatever you read, you could be ignorant too, or may be you're not because you know some other reason for what I just said. Well, I just wanted to say that I am doing something not because
someone's controlling me, but because I chose to do it.
There're a hundred reasons that I know of, that made me choose it and a thousand others that I don't know of.
My religion
Assume a world where everyone knows he's a god and everyone knows that everyone else is god too. Nothing is more important or nothing is less important to anyone. That doesn't mean everyone has to do everything. Anyone can choose to do anything, but then in that world,
everyone knows that no one is better than anyone. There is nothing good or bad about anything. If the god inside me tells me to speak the truth I will. If the god inside
Osama asks him to bomb, he will. But then probably he might not, if he realized that nothing is more important than the other. Lets extrapolate it to the whole of the universe - every human, every animal, every plant, every planet, every moon, every star, every galaxy, or in short every god understands the fact that every other thing is god too. In that universe, a lion killing a deer is not gory, a cannibal eating a human is not barbaric, a tsunami destructing a country is not cruel or the earth getting destroyed is not the end of life. If you think something is bad, that doesn't mean it actually is bad. In that world of gods, there can be only one thing that can happen - and that is good!
Who is god?
You probably ran for ten miles because you believed you can do it, you climbed the tallest peak in the world because you believed you can do it, you are thinking about what you're actually thinking right now because you are believing that you can think about it, now where is god when it's actually belief that is driving the universe, well that belief for you is the god. It could be something else for someone else or some completely different thing for something else that can't believe at all. But then whether you believe in god or not, god believes in you, that's why you exist. Whether you think about god or not, god thinks about you. And who's that god - that's you, that's me, that's everything else.
What does it take to be a god?
I'll probably stop doing anything that takes me away from what god believes in me. And what is that? I might probably not harm anyone if I know I'm doing harm, I might probably not say a lie when I think it's a lie, but does that mean I will not harm anyone or that I will not say a lie! That's not how the universe operates. I will probably not jump from the terrace; I know I will then be destroying god. May be I might not destroy the god in me, but I will surely lose the god in me. But then someone else could do this or I could be doing this to someone else. If I do only good, then I'm god, but I'm not god! Or may be I'm. Good to some god could be bad to some other god. But when I add them all up, ah, I can't do it, because I'm just part of god and I'm not the whole of god.
Does god believe in me?
Well, the reverse form of the question could be one of the most common questions other than "What's your name?". But then there's actually nothing about having to be believing in god. What I call as
god could be
energy to someone else, could be
eternity to some other person, something else to one more person or probably nothing at all to many others. People, countries, continents, religions, philosophies, seasons, eras - could give different perceptions to different things, but the truth can neither be hidden nor be exposed, it just exists. And what is that truth? Well, I know what I should be doing and you know what you should be doing too. I've stopped searching for the
God long time ago, because I know that I'm
god and I know that you're
god too. You and I don't need any capitalization; I believe in you, do you believe in me?
I believe in god, the question is does god believe in me?
Quote of the day: The truth is more powerful than any weapon - Gandhi.
Video of the day:
Love is God