Thursday, August 03, 2006

The birthday montage

I am just writing this one to have an entrepot for the fun I'm having. I really want to read over this post after a few years and celebrate the good company I'm enjoying at my office. It was birthday for this girl in our team, the one whose picture is on the left, well, the toad that you see here is what orkut showed her picture as, on the birthday list! I just thought I would attach her head from any of her photos and send it to her as the birthday card. I finally found a snap that seemed to match the expression, the angle and the tilt, hurray, got the right head!

As I was trying to get my conflation ready, I just felt I would attach a few more cartoon characters around that, write birthday wishes over it and send the mail. Then my medulla raised, why don't I attach the team to this? And the search began, I browsed through the album of the Gokark trip we had some time back. Well, that trip was one awesome experience, a weekend-trip in the Gokark falls, the comfy guest house; felt closer to the nature, was a right break from the smoke-surfeited Bangalore city.

And lo! I cut all heads from those snaps, poor team-mates, it was really funny to look at their photographs with their heads Ctrl-Xed. One head from here and one from there, I found suitable positions in the collage I was attempting. Slowly amidst the animals, there were human heads bourgeoning. And there it was, the montage was ready, what do I write there? This Bengali girl somehow manages to pronounce her name as "Showme" (sorry Soumi, if you are reading this!) and I find this really amusing.

I couldn't stop my laughter after it was all done, I thought it was worth the one hour that I spent on it. Among the monkeys, lizards, teddies and with Tom, Jerry, giraffe and the tiger were, from the bottom left in the clockwise direction as they appear - Rege, Renu, Me, Gopa, Shankar, Kaarthik, Sunil and Manish and this dame with a toad's body, smiling and proudly showing her kingdom!

Happy b'day Soumi!

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