Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The mail and the relief

Yes, I made it to ISB. Finally the mail arrived welcoming me to the class of 2010. I don't have anything more to say here other than thank all you who helped me and all of you who wished me from your heart. I literally spent the whole evening calling different people and telling them the news. The excitement of telling so many people and sharing my happiness elated me more than the news itself. I always believe it's the people around you who make you happy and all of you made me happy!

Time for me to gear up and make the decision, I just have two weeks. I hope I make the right decision.


  1. Someone said,
    "MBA is like a public toilet...
    Those who are in want to get out desperately...
    Those who are out want to get in desperately...

    What can I say? :)
    Welcome to the public toilet!!!

  2. so, when are you packing your bags to hyd :) ?


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