Saturday, November 28, 2009

Social what?

This blog for me, has become more than what I thought it would be. I store here some of - what I believe so that I am impelled to follow, what I learn so that I don't forget, what I feel right so that I could be proved wrong, and what I don't understand so that I can come back to them. Most of all, I store here the treasure of all your comments, the comments from people who don't cringe to say the truth. How I wish all your mails, calls and chats also get captured here!

I am usually a very slow beginner. I take my own sweet time to come to terms with anything. For example, I might appear as if I am outright dismissive in an argument, but it's actually me fighting with myself. My most peaceful sleeps are when I am proved wrong, for whenever I am proved right, I become skeptical. So you can surely read this and tell me why I'm wrong. You know I am planning for an MBA. I can put it to any short-term use, but I want to use it in the long term to change a social pattern, however small it is. I don't mind even if it's only after my retirement, but by writing down, I want to remind myself constantly.

Charity needs a noble soul, so I am really not talking about social service here. I want to venture into it and assume the risk for it, so you could call it social entrepreneurship. I want to surely make money too, so may be I've to call it social capitalism. But I want to help someone lead a self-sustained life than do something charitable. I'm not saying the former is better, just that I feel the former suits more the person that I'm. Even in a relation I like if it empowers someone to stand alone than be dependent. So may be we should call this social empowerment.

I am not undermining the difficulty of taking care of oneself and family, my earnest appreciation to all those who do that job remarkably well. I don't know how well I can do that, but I want to be useful to at least one person outside my family, not by any complex root-cause cycle but directly, not through charity but through a way of self-sustenance, not out of good will but out of responsibility. I bow to people who can put others before self; I don't know if I can even reach a stage where I can put others equal to myself. But if you're someone who's already doing that and wanting to make a difference, come let us have a chat and work out a business plan.

Social what? This is social hunt!


  1. >> But I want to help someone lead a self-sustained life than do something charitable. I'm not saying the former is better, just that I feel the former suits more the person that I'm.

    No doubt that helping someone lead self-sustained life is better. But charity has its very important role too . If a small kid is in need of a heart surgery to survive and he has no option but money from charity, then of course charity is important - that kid might grow up to be a self-sustained person, only if he can grow up in the first place :-)

    Also, I somehow dont like the word "charity", especially when it comes to basic necessities of life like food. Things like food is not the right of any single human being on this earth, all living beings were born on earth with an equal right for all natural resources, only with invention of stuff like "money" etc.. with the advent of civilization did free things stop being free !!

    So I hate it to the core when someone gives food to a poor man and claims that he/she did "charity" - thats not charity, that was his/her duty.

    So if we look into many things like that, we are really giving back things which others truly have a right over and term that "charity", so I think that word needs to be changed, I dont know to what though :)


  2. A totally orthogonal but a really wonderful thought Gopa. You might not get many buyers for this, but what you say is true.

    "Charity begins at home", they say, I think you're almost saying "The world's your home" and there's nothing at all like charity. Nice :)

  3. >> I think you're almost saying "The world's your home" and there's nothing at all like charity.

    Hmm .. thats too heavy a statement, I dont think I can live up to it :-). All I mean to say is that world was created such that no one has to "beg" another person for food or basic necessities as charity, so people like us living in "modern" societies should keep in mind that fact!


  4. Ya, I took the liberty to extrapolate your statement to the extreme ;)

    Living up ... I don't live up to even 1% of how I think I should live, so you have company :)


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