Sunday, April 18, 2010

Where are my wings?

Friends, I have been making a short film with a childhood friend of mine. It started as "Can your band do music for my film?" and then we both worked together for six months on the hundreds of rushes (technical term for video clips of a movie) that were shot in the slums of Bangalore. Most part of the story is inspired by the interactions we have had with, stories we have listened from and the shoveling we have done in the slums. The 18-min film revolves around the life of a rag-picker.

I was first swept off when I saw the effort my friend had put into acting in the film. I was swept off for the second time when I heard the first draft of the song. Meanwhile, I was just happy doing the cut-copy-pastes, so I became the editor.

Direction - Sukiyan, Music - Agam, Editing - Myself. All rights reserved.

In case you're not able to access it, try here.


  1. This is very nice effort Naren and Team. Hats off to you guys. It perfectly portrays this Ugly pain, these slum people go thru.

    My Critics COmments:
    Video is shot maturely. Music is awesomely awesome and for sure adds the real life in the film.

    Just under curiosity, what you guys are doing to promote that Video, I mean only putting it into FB and Youtube or some more serious stuff like registering the Video with Respective Institution or something like that??

  2. Yet to figure that out, we'll do something soon.

  3. Too much da Nats. Apt music & background score (the scene at the wine shop).. Touching, to say so at the least.

  4. thank you very much for uploading this. a wonderful film, good acting and well placed script.. song and direction also remarkable.. all the best


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