Monday, June 22, 2009

Catch me at your own risk when I'm bored

9 pm, 13 July 2007

I want to leave for home now, but it's still raining. Even yesterday I kept waiting for the rain to yield, but finally decided to ride my bike in the rain, for the rain never did yield. I can't blame God for this because He's neither my mom to understand that I'm hungry, nor my dad to guess that I'm tired for the day wanting to go home and sleep, nor my sister to give me a call asking me to take a rick and get back home, nor my brother to pick me up in his car, nor my friend to come over to the office and give me company.

But isn't God supposed to be my mom, dad, sister, brother or friend whenever I need him to be. Ah, I know why, he's at too far a distance to see me waiting and even worse, it's dark. Ok, let me go back to peeping through the window to see if the rain has at least softened enough to make me wonder if God had a really sharp night vision!

[I had written this on a friend's cube in office while I was waiting for the rain to stop]

1 comment:

  1. I thought US made you philosophical. OMG, you were worse even before :)


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