Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm sorry, one more on relationships

Again a TV show, this time a debate - "Whether it's love or friendship, you give your 100%. If the other person is giving only 70%, it's he who's losing the 30%". For a change, it was not a guy and a girl arguing, but they were two guys, who are long-time friends in real life.

I can definitely see the truth in it, at the same time, I can argue with myself against it too. You give your best, you'll gain the most; you don't doubt, you'll derive the maximum bliss, agreed. But how do you handle when your expectations are not met. Expectations are the cause of all disappointments, but then can you really lead a life without expectations? When you give 100%, it's very unnatural not to expect 100% back. But thinking laterally, I think these expectations and disappointments are a little malformed because according to the laws of probability if not the laws of life, we would ourselves be failing to meet the expectations on the other side by the same amount.

I think a relationship, as one of my friends puts it, is like a flowing river. It goes through an amazing journey, but the true test comes when disturbed. You throw a stone, you'll know how clear the bed beneath is. The muckier it gets, the more rotten the relationship is. But the quickness and longevity with which the muck is cleared will demonstrate the purity and the strength of the relation. Flood and drought, well, they're part of the package too.

I've nothing to opine, nothing to conclude, so I leave it open.


  1. "The world's a tragedy to those who feel and a comedy to those who think" - I guess it's fairly true.

    Life's too short to be bothered about such things for too long. Sure, all of us have learnt, I think it's time to move on. 100% dedication and 0% expectation, if that's what is called detachment, I think we should all try to work towards that.

    Respond when solicited, else just continue to process the other solicitations in the waiting queue, which perennially builds up anyways - I've already started to follow this. If you're not following this, be prepared to get abused.

    Remember, "solicitation" is from ppl who need you, not from ppl who come to you when they don't have anyone else.

  2. How true you are to your convictions!
    My respects.


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