Sunday, January 02, 2011

Some interesting quotes from class

Statistics: "When you've to prove something, assume the opposite and look for reasons to disprove it, rather than assuming the hypothesis and looking for the first opportunity to prove it." True, else we are just going to fall trap to confirmation bias. That was during a class on null hypothesis test.

Corporate Finance: "Assets are classified into two types, based on their relationships with the market. High beta assets are like bad friends, they rise with the market and fall with the market. Low beta assets are like good friends, they rise when the market falls. They are the ones that will save you during bad times".

Management of Organizations: "When a frog is thrown into boiling water, it leaps out immediately. But if you put the frog in water and boil it slowly, the frog dies. It's because the frog incrementally thinks the temperature is fine, until at some point, it gets killed. In a mouse experiment with water, the mouse is thrown into water, but is pressed inside whenever it tries to come out. After repeated such trials, when the mouse is thrown into water, it sinks even when you don't press it down, because it no longer tries."

Corporate Development: "It is good to be smart, but don't think you can substitute hard work with smartness. Smartness can probably take you to the top, but won't keep you there. If you think you're smart, I can find ten guys smarter than you're. But if you tell me you are hardworking, I might not be able to find someone more hardworking than you're."

Pricing: "When you find your first job, keep your last job in mind. Get into the job that will take you to where and how you want to retire." It was a reverse application of game theory.

Power and Politics: "Facebook has kindled narcissist instincts in people. Within our networks, we have started believing that we're celebrities and have started updating with statuses like 'I've bought a puppy'. Such is the power of networks. Build your network and gain power".

Managing teams: "Most leaders are extroverts by nature. But during an experiment, it was observed that extrovert males tried to show leadership skills only when there was a girl in the group, not otherwise. And many researches later have also found to prove the same." Guys never change, do we?

Negotiation Analysis: "If you want to convince a guy, send a girl and vice versa for a girl. However there is a difference. In the former case, if the girl just taps the shoulder of the guy, the guy is almost convinced but the same is not proved so far for the latter case." We cheap guys!

Economics of Strategy: What may appear irrational behaviour is often quite rational to the other person who may simply have a different belief system. Consider yourself to have failed if you assume others are irrational.


  1. Thanks for sharing something from class finally :)
    But why did you have to end with "We cheap guys"?
    "We" - disagree. "cheap guys" - disagree.

  2. Go and talk with any three girls you know and ask if they've ever had a bad (cheap) experience with some guy ... in bus, in train, on the road, in school, at work ... somewhere, and they'll have some tale to tell. Of course, not every guy is cheap, and not every girl is not cheap, but it's always better to take responsibility for bad things and give credit for good things, right? :)

  3. "We" included you so I disagreed :)

    And if guys were created this way and girls were created the other way, I would not call anything or anyone "bad" and anything or anyone "good" :) so that was why I disagreed to "cheap guys". Just nature :)

  4. Whoever saved me till now, will save me :) I have so much more to say, but I cannot write more than a two liner :) bye :)


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