Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is your generation?

There are different generations of people we encounter and just as how many of us do, I too spend time analyzing the differences among generations - grandparents, parents, friends, and nephews and nieces. Today as I was watching some movie song in the cafeteria during dinner, I started attaching people to the different generations of songs. Most of what I've watched are Indian, so I started correlating generations of people with those of Indian movie songs.

I thought I'll classify Indian movies with regards to how the songs are shot. This is not a strict classification, because every movie or generation of movies has a mix of all of these, but if there was only one way to classify movies based on how the songs are shot, I would classify them this way.

The earliest generation was when most part of the movie was just songs. People didn't talk, they conversed in songs. Yes, this was the generation of my grandparents.
Wow, people had so much patience to just sit and watch all this!

The second generation of movies had songs where the hero and the heroine kept walking, now and then trotting or making some pleasant dance moves. Surely this was the generation of my parents.
"Well, the sitting people have started walking."

The third generation of movies had songs where you had no clue where the hero and heroine were running to, dancing all the way, but they kept dancing and running. Ah, this was my generation.
"Finally people have started running. Sometimes they had groups behind running and dancing too."

The latest generation of movies have songs that can wake you up in the middle of the night. They have the fast rhythm and impatient dance steps. Right, this belongs to my nephews and nieces.
"If you keep running, is this where you will end up?"

I don't have the time right now to analyze what I wanted to get at with all this, maybe I'll do it some other day.


  1. Actually, the last clip you have here also belongs to our generation, no? I was kind of OK with it... or may be I'm OK with anything, not sure :) I think there are faster and more impatient songs and dances, all you can see will be flickering frames, for our nieces and nephews, that leave me tired :D

  2. I somehow always attach the way people "grow up with", to their generation. May not be technically right, so you should be correct.

  3. :)
    Also thought the same way. Didn't know exactly how to say it, hence this comment came in much later than the post.. Or may be I felt we were growing with all this around up when we were 20.. But yes, I get what you're saying.
    Hmm, we'll have to see how our children's generation looks like!


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