Sunday, September 20, 2009

Put on your own mask before you assist others

I happily used to neglect my health till sometime back. I would know that I roamed too much in the sun only when I got fever the next day. I would notice that I worked for too long in the night only when my back started paining. I would agree that I walked too far in the cold only when I started coughing. As I was beginning to know that I was ignoring myself, a friend yelled at me - "Do you think you're God?"

Till that moment I was fairly convinced that taking care of oneself was a selfish act. I had just restarted my gym then and I realized that my year-old back pain was slowly subsiding, both because I was working out and because I was not online late nights. Yes, it took me this long to understand that you need to set your foot strong before you lend your hand.


  1. "set your foot strong before you lend your hand" was also an acquired gyan from another friend.

  2. We tend to forget all gyan once the pain disappears... (till it shows its face again :P) Its also true that these pains disappear slowly ... Took me almost 4 months of not WFH for my hand pain to subside, but finally it seems to have gone!

    Yes, we need to take health more seriously than we do. Take care :)


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