Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Where's the chopper anyway?

Chandraayan sends images of Apollo 15 landing, finally a non-American article vouching for the moon-conquest of the US astronauts. I can't talk about the veracity of this article, but I was happy to see it. I once wrote about why people at the top should only be aggressive and not be arrogant. But there's something that I feel about people not at the top too.

I think all of us are taught to push ourselves up and not to pull others down if we've to succeed. But our non-adherence to that learning starts from school - "Ma'am, how can you award more marks to him when he has written the same answer as I've?" As we grow up, we can't see one team always win tournaments, one company always succeed, one country always be at the top; the list goes on.

We say the Western world practices racism, but are we not racists too? We have been practicing a deep-rooted racism called casteism, then an absolutely reasonless racism called regionalism, and then the popular insider-outsider racism. If a Tamil holds racist feelings against a Malayalee, I am 100% sure that an Indian will hold a racist feeling against an American. I don't want to list examples here, but let us be honest to ourselves and accept the fact that we're racists who try to pull down people at the top, ridicule people at the bottom, and both pull down and ridicule those who we think don't belong to our race.

It's really wonderful that we've traced the Apollo landing done many decades back, but let us now trace our own chopper!


  1. >> If a Tamil holds rascist feelings against a Malayalee, ..

    Oyee .. I will round up heavy weight mallus in our cisco blr team in beat you tamilians up ;-)

  2. But I compared Malayalees with Americans ;) So give me a treat!

    But the truth is it's true vice-versa also :(

  3. Pulling down - ridiculing are because of our insecurity may be?


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